A review of Stonham Housing Association Ltd by David mf written on Saturday 18th of July 2015
I stayed there about 1996/97. think john charles was the main man there then along with Dave walker his second in command he was an ok guy even if he spoke with a cockney accent . and not forgeting the old man martin can't remember his other name he could be ok sometimes but could also be an old grump. yes i remember it well had some great times there me jason butler from winsford- mark tuer- and mark porky dean. we called him that because he really did remind us of a pig.and not forgetting the the cook at the time albert and his mate bruce.Albert used to keep us all well fed. was no skinny lads in that place apart from one or two smackheads. who normally lasted a couple of days before getting the boot.so anyone want to get in touch. email me dave f. at dave1964@rocketmail.com but then again this will never ever get read.i'm now happily living in leeds in a nice little flat in a nice area. love it here. the bad days are now long in my past. and i intend to keep it that way.here's to freedom.power to the people..
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Map showing Stonham Housing Association Ltd on Watergate Street